How to Lose 100 Pounds by P. Seymour

51ElROzEOaL._SY346_PJlook-inside-v2,TopRight,1,0_SH20_Losing 100 pounds is NOT easy! This book is NOT filled with the latest promises and solutions for fast weight loss. You can find plenty of other books on those topics if you’re not ready to give up the rollercoaster ride just yet. What you will find here is a series of blueprints to help you to find the motivation and tools that you will need to go the distance with any weight loss plan. This book is written by a ?regular? woman losing 100+ pounds who has found a number of strategies that has helped her to FINALLY start a weight loss plan that has actually become fun and inspiring. This blueprint can help you too. If you’re ready to lose the weight and change your life, whether it’s 100 pounds or 20 pounds, then “How to Lose 100 Pounds” is for you!

 P. Seymour Page

P. Seymour


I don’t know if you’ve found me here because you do have 100+ pounds to lose or maybe less. Either way, I want you to know that the book series that you see below is a labor of love for me.

I’ve lost 120 lbs (the picture you see here) which left me feeling healthy, fit and capable of anything I set my mind to…AND my story continues as someone who found herself looking at a weight gain of almost half that weight 2.5 yrs later.

I don’t want to be that person who is selling you a formula for losing weight fast and fixing your life, yet hiding behind my own weight and insecurities. I will tell you straight out that you and I are very much the same. I’m not perfect in this and I like to call myself a work-in-progress for sure.

I know what it’s like to feel like giving up. I know what it’s like to let the weight control our lives.

PLEASE hear me when I say that you are not alone and you REALLY can change your life.

You are fully capable and you don’t need a fad diet or a fast weight loss plan.

You do need to be able to believe in yourself and you need to know that YOU can create a very realistic plan that will have you losing weight AND enjoying your life as you do so. It is possible and it’s not JUST about the scale.

I hope that you will allow me to “walk with you” as you create a plan for your own success. I would love nothing more than to hear from you and celebrate your successes along the way.

Please reach out to me via the blog links you see to the right or join me and an AMAZING group of people on Facebook at:

I would love to “meet” you there and hear your story. 🙂

Wishing you much success!

Zig Zag Diet: Calorie Shifting Diets by Timoteus Vincenti

41E5MC7-O6L._SY346_PJlook-inside-v2,TopRight,1,0_SH20_Zig zag diet compares all of those diets that involve varying the content of your food intake from one day to the next. Calorie counting, calorie shifting/cycling and carbohydrate cycling are all described and analyzed in order to fully understand how they work and what goes on within the dieter’s body. There are plenty of tips for making the most out of your diet including boosting your metabolism, avoiding the weight loss plateau and improving your motivation. Contents Introduction The Art of Setting Weight Loss Goals The Importance of Keeping a Food Diary Success with Low Carb Dieting High Protein Low Carb Diets Starvation and Diet Plans Keeping Motivated Losing Weight and the Traditional Diet Calorie Counting Diets Calorie Shifting Diets Reasons to try a Calorie Shifting Diet Good and Bad Diets Different ways to Organize a Calorie Shifting Diet Plan The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Calorie Cycling Diet Working out how many Calories you need Planning a Calorie shifting Diet Working out the Calories in the food that you eat Carbohydrate Cycling Diet Plans Things to Eat on a Carbohydrate cycling Diet High Carbohydrate Foods Low Carbohydrate Foods Lose that Unwanted Belly Fat Foods to Boost Your Metabolism Walk for Weight Loss Extra Weight Loss Tips Conclusion

About the Author

Timoteus Vincenti studied Biological Sciences at Birmingham University in the UK. Since then he has been teaching and lecturing in the subject. Having suffered weight problems, over the years, he tried a number of diets and became interested in the science behind dieting. This science, personal experience and interest comes out in this book on dieting methods and techniques. He is the author of a number of other Amazon Kindle books including ‘How to Stop Hair Loss’ and ‘Kebab Grill Success’.


The Carb Cycling Diet: Balancing Hi Carb, Low Carb, and No Carb Days for Healthy Weight Loss by Dr. Roman Malkov

51kMDiYNj6L._SY346_PJlook-inside-v2,TopRight,1,0_SH20_Stay Younger Longer with the Real Life Answer to Low-Carb Diets

Build muscle and lose fat with the real-life answer to no-carb/low-carb diets. Low-carb diets like Atkins and South Beach are notoriously difficult to maintain over time and have been deserted by millions of people. Health-conscious people all over America are ready for something better. Discover the secret that athletes and trainers have been using for years with a healthy carb cycling diet.

By allowing you to eat full, nutritionally balanced meals on any day, The Carb Cycling Diet breaks away from the “deprivation model” of most diets on the market today. Alternating between limited-carb and normal-carb days, you have your cake and eat it, too, without having to rely on supplements or sugar substitutes.

The Carb Cycling Diet includes easy recipes and meal plans for normal- and low-carb days. Monitoring what you eat is simple with the Carbohydrate Content and Glycemic Index tables included. Plus, The Carb Cycling Diet provides tips on exercise, sports supplements, and how to keep motivation high.

As former Nutritional Consultant for the Russian National Athletic Team, physician and exercise physiologist Roman Malkov, M.D., understands the secret that the world’s top athletes have used for years. Carb cycling works for them and it can work for you!

Easily adaptable to anyone’s lifestyle, The Carb Cycling Diet is a groundbreaking, sustainable, scientifically based diet to build muscle, lose fat, and stay healthy for life.

Chris Powell’s Choose More, Lose More for Life by Chris Powell

51DwHht+MVL._SX260_PJlook-inside-v2,TopRight,1,0_SH20_Transform Your Body, Transform Your Life!

Each season, millions of viewers tune in to see Chris Powell lead extraordinary transformations on ABC’s breakout hit Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition. Now, building on the basic weight-loss philosophy introduced in his bestselling bookChoose to Lose, Chris has created a transformation plan anyone can follow–one that recognizes that no weight-loss journey is the same, and that more options mean longer-lasting results.

At the center of Chris Powell’s Choose More, Lose More for Lifeis Chris’s carb-cycling plan, which kicks your metabolism into full gear by alternating between low- and high-carb days. Never carb-cycled before? No problem. Powell provides all the information you need to get started and see immediate results. Been carb-cycling but need to shake things up? This book provides four different cycles–Easy, Classic, Turbo, and Fit–to help you find a plan that fits you.

Chris also understands that weight loss plateaus when we get bored. So in this book, he focuses on choices–including more than twenty new workouts called Nine-Minute Missions–that pack maximum results into minimal time. He also offers more delicious and easy recipes to keep you eating well, more tracking logs to keep you motivated, and more success stories to inspire you as you write your own–one that lasts for the rest of your life!

“If you want results–if you want to lose that weight and transform your life¯you need to stop thinking about it and get going! You hold in your hand the map to an incredible path to success, and I’ll be right beside you 100 percent, cheering you all the way to your finish line. You’re choosing to make a healthy change, and I’m choosing you. It’s going to be a wonderful journey for both of us!”

– Shape Your Body in Just Nine Minutes Each Day

– Find a Carb Cycle That’s Made for You

– Build in Cheat Days to Enjoy Foods You Love

– Eat Carbs to Lose Weight

– Transform Your Body, One Success at a Time

Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World Hardcover – Bargain Price by Michael Hyatt (Author)


Michael Hyatt, one of the top business bloggers in the world, provides down-to-earth guidance for building and expanding a powerful platform.


To be successful in the market today, you must possess two strategic assets: a compelling product and a meaningfulplatform. In this step-by-step guide, Michael Hyatt, former CEO and current Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers, takes readers behind the scenes, into the new world of social media success. He shows you what best-selling authors, public speakers, entrepreneurs, musicians, and other creatives are doing differently to win customers in today’s crowded marketplace. Hyatt speaks from experience. He writes one of the top 800 blogs in the world and has more than 100,000 followers on Twitter. His large and growing platform serves as the foundation for his successful writing, speaking, and consulting practice.


In Platform, Hyatt will teach readers not only how to extend their influence, but also how to monetize it and build a sustainable career. The key? By building a platform. It has never been easier, less expensive, or more possible than right now. . .  The book includes:


  • proven strategies
  • easy-to-replicate formulas
  • practical tips


Social media technologies have changed everything. Now, for the first time in history, non-celebrities can get noticed—and win big!—in an increasingly noisy world.




“I’ve known Michael Hyatt for more than a decade, and during that time I’ve seen him master just about every social media platform that’s hit the scene. He’s used blogging, Facebook, Twitter and more to expand his personal platform from a successful book publisher to a leading national brand of his own. Trust me, this guy knows what he’s talking about—so pay attention!” —DAVE RAMSEY, New York Times Best-selling Author, Host, “The Dave Ramsey Show”


“A generous book from a man who knows what he’s talking about. Michael Hyatt has built a platform, and you can too.” —SETH GODIN, New York Times Best-selling Author, We Are All Weird


Platform is absolutely essential to delivering value. As a big fan of Michael Hyatt, I’m excited he’s sharing this with you. Your job? Learn about this and implement it. Your success depends on it.” —CHRIS BROGAN, President, Human Business Works, New York Times Best-selling Author


“Michael Hyatt is the authority on creating a platform in our crowded world, and Platform is the definitive, step-by-step guide to building a platform—from the ground up. If you’re longing to become a true influencer in this world, Hyatt can teach you how. With Platform, Hyatt’s done the near-impossible: create a guide even more useful than his wildly popular blog!” CLAIRE DÍAZ ORTIZ, Social Innovation, Twitter, Inc.


“I have watched Michael Hyatt build his own platform from the ground up to become one of the largest in the world. And he has done so with the strategies and tips he outlines in this very practical book. Any author, speaker, or small business owner who wants a blueprint for getting the attention and visibility they want, needs to read this book.” JOHN C. MAXWELL, New York Times Best-selling Author, and Leadership Expert


“Michael Hyatt is a pioneer in social media who is now generously sharing his ‘secrets’ with those of us who have been marveling at his success for many years. Whether you are a seasoned writer, blogger, speaker and social media enthusiast, or just now starting out, this book will help you take that next step and begin to build a platform of your own.” DAN T. CATHY, President & COO, Chick-fil-A, Inc.


“In today’s world, having an idea isn’t enough to land a book or record deal, get a movie made or find funding for your startup.  You need a platform: A connected following that’s ready to try, buy and spread the word. Finally, in a single book, the blueprint for your platform is revealed by blog wunderkind Michael Hyatt.  You’ll finish this book slowly, because his simple but powerful advice will interrupt you with go-do-it-now urgency. Read it and expand your influence.” TIM SANDERS, Former Chief Solutions Officer at Yahoo, Author of Today We Are Rich 


“When I finished the last page of Platform, I realized I had more actionable notes from the book than from any other business book I’ve read in years.  This is the definitive guidebook for building an online presence.  Michael Hyatt, one of the pioneers of social networking and blogging, shares his successful blueprint for raising your visibility.  Learn from his experience and save yourself time, money, and frustration by following his step-by-step advice.” SKIP PRICHARD, President & CEO, Ingram Content Group, Inc.




“Yes, talent, desire and passion are key elements for success as an author, musician, artist, coach or speaker. But this book identifies the elephant in the room—the other 90% of the process necessary to have a voice in today’s arena.”  —DAN MILLER, Creative thinker at and  Author of, 48 Days to the Work You Love




“For the last five years, if I ever had a question about platform building, social media or standing out amidst the clutter, I turned to one place—Michael Hyatt. As an author who turned a blog into a book and made countless mistakes along the way, I couldn’t get my hands on Platform fast enough. Michael Hyatt has written THE handbook to one of the biggest cultural revolutions in the last fifty years.” —JON ACUFF, Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of Quitter: Closing the Gap Between YourDay Job & Your Dream Job




“Michael Hyatt has given much of his professional career to helping others achieve their potential. And he helps others by pioneering a way and then teaching people his way. In Platform, he’s accumulated the best of his counsel and advice. If you’d like to expand your influence, read Platform and then read it again.” – DONALD MILLER,  New York Times Best-selling Author of Blue Like Jazz


Secrets of Dynamic Communications: Prepare with Focus, Deliver with Clarity, Speak with Power by Ken Davis , Michael Hyatt


What is the most important ingredient for an effective speech or presentation?

Whether you are one who speaks only on rare occasions or you find yourself addressing an audience every day, this book will be an invaluable tool.  Beneficial to the experienced pro as well as the new beginner,Secrets of Dynamic Communication is a practical and effective handbook for powerful presentations of all kinds. It takes the reader through the process of selecting and developing a theme, giving it focus, fleshing it out, and communicating well with the audience.  The first half is devoted to preparation, the second to delivery.

Author Ken Davis is frequently hired by individuals and companies around the world to bring his humor and expertise to others in the speaking field, and he is now bringing those concepts to the wider community as well.  No abstract theories here, only step-by-step help in preparing and delivering speeches that get results!  You’ll soon develop the dynamic speaking skills associated with the very best in the field.

About the Author

Ken Davis, best-selling author and frequent radio and television guest, is a sought-after speaker. As president of Dynamic Communications International, he teaches speaking skills to ministry professionals and corporate executives. Ken’s daily radio show, Lighten Up!, is heard on more than 1,500 stations in the United States and around the world. He and his wife, Diane, live in Tennessee and have two daughters and six grandchildren.